Sunday, October 24, 2010



~ Nameless Six ~

"Know that all I do is for the glory of Pain."

Grey is my world, father!
Do not try to help me now!
I don't know how
My own views to handle.

Shiny is my future, mother!
But please forgive me!
And why I won to be free,
As I get slain by every wonder?

Oh, watering an empire of dust,
Taking away world's rust!
Oh, I feel young but my present is old!
Demon don't fear me and leave me cold!


Inlight Gloria

1. Frost Mage
"Fuck the pain away make it trough the day"
2. Balance Druid

"Chaos beckons behind the equillibrium".
3. Elemental Shaman
"Why those pure of heart and untainted on mind got to be weak when facing the Otherkind and Death?"
4. Holy Priest
"Life's pulsing core overwhelms death."
5. Assassination Rogue
"I flourish as I lay dying and my petals are fullfilling the Universe".