Wednesday, November 3, 2010



~ Nameless Eight ~

"Know that all I do is for the glory of Pain."

Me. I'm always talkin about me,
I'm always happy with my life.
But why am I so selfish and hateful?
And after all why I am asking always why?

Perhaps there is an answer in the night,
Or there is no answer at all,
Otherkind! Reign my goldened sight!
Otherkind! Free my fall!

To make a change, requesting prevail,
I am ashamed whenever I fail.
I choose to live my life in complete order,
God! Punish this tireless blood I wither!
My restrain of happiness is not in vain.
Know that all I do is for the glory of pain.


Inlight Gloria

1. Frost Mage
"Fuck the pain away make it trough the day"
2. Balance Druid

"Chaos beckons behind the equillibrium".
3. Elemental Shaman
"Why those pure of heart and untainted on mind got to be weak when facing the Otherkind and Death?"
4. Holy Priest
"Life's pulsing core overwhelms death."
5. Assassination Rogue
"I flourish as I lay dying and my petals are fullfilling the Universe".
6. Shadow Priest
"The shadow and the spirit paths unify in grace."
7. Affliction Warlock
"My pride is ruined by the clarity within."