~ Nameless Nine ~
"Know that all I do is for the glory of Pain."
~ Nameless Nine ~
"Know that all I do is for the glory of Pain."
Mother, pray for your son and his unmoved pride,
Father, close your eyes as your own blood
Becomes a angel falling in the dark tide!
Forgive me for denying this world's way!
A martyr shall I be in the name of the unknown steps,
But still agonizing this youth is to me!
Help me somehow, otherkind!
You are me and I am you now,
Still to Dzuztru both we bow!
Break the chains of desire, otherkind!
You do not fear Lu's time bind!
Murder this flamed passion of my pure flesh,
Beautiful feeling, fiendish whip swing,
In sacrifice I vow myself to you, otherkind!
Changing revelation to life itself I bring
And please! Until my twin's trium wind
Stab my eyes and leave me blind!